Madison 365

A community effort brings a new community mural, “Hope Finds a Home,” to Bayview Apartments

Bayview Townhomes, one of the most diverse communities in Madison, is now also home to a massive mural that features ideas and actual bits of painting from 120 of those tenants.

The artwork is titled “Hope Finds a Home” and is on the Regent Street-facing side of a new apartment building at 720 W. Washington Ave. It's the first in a series of public art projects that will be featured at Bayview Townhomes across from Brittingham Park on Madison’s south side.

“Zoo School” provides virtual education support, and a lot more

“Zoo School” provides virtual education support, and a lot more

When the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools to close last spring, it threw a lot of families into turmoil. It also changed things for organizations that work with the schools, like Henry Vilas Zoo, which hosts field trips and day camps on non-school days. When schools across Dane County decided over the summer not to reopen, zoo staff had to take a look around. The zoo had already been in talks with the Bayview Foundation, a nonprofit organization that owns and operates an affordable housing development a little over a mile away.